Oh crap, *pukes*. Sorry, I was just playing Home Alone on the SNES.

User Rating: 3 | Home Alone SNES
So, most people have seen the movie Home Alone, it was a pretty good movie. So, do you think the game was as good? No, it wasn't. First of all the two robber guys don't even look like the two robber guys in the movie. I know this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, but there's this one part where one of the robber guys is chasing you, and if you jump on this bed, the robber guy walks into the bed, and he stops. Idunn I just thought that was funny.

Anyways, the levels are really badly designed, the controls suck, and nearly everything sucks in this game.

Except for one thing; the game over screen. It show Makallie (I have no idea how to spell his name) Culkin screaming and you hear "OH NO". it's hilaious. So, if you play this game, kill you self, it's more fun that actually trying to beat the game.
