Finger cramping controls, and unrealistic aspects can get you disappointed.

User Rating: 6 | Hitman: Codename 47 PC
Yes, you can change the controls, but unless you have played any Hitman game before, the "run/walk" buttons are annoying
Unrealism maybe isn't the best thing to complain about in Hitman, however, when I notice that shooting my way through anything is a lot easier, seeing as their in no true incentive to be stealthy, as well as the fact, that you can continue right away with the same ammo and full health if you decide to continue. Did the agency plant a whole cloning unit inside your car? More likely. Either that, or 47 is a ghost. (lolz, he is sleathy)

One thing that truly annoyed me is the fact that everyone in Hong Kong had the same voice: a Nasal rat-like voice with lispy S's where they all spoke perfect English. When you have killed enough red/blue dragons, you will get the picture.

PS. "WE HAVE A situation here!". (red/blue dragon thug)