Wake up! Wake up my child. Today is the day of a new dawn...!!!

User Rating: 8.3 | Hitman: Codename 47 PC
I have being a gamer for a very long time and I have always tried to play different games from genre, consoles, etc; I was a heavy console gamer way before immersing myself with the PC gaming world, and later becoming a definitely PC heavy gamer; I have played a vast number of PC games and honestly each game offered me something different to look and be hook to it, like the first or third person shooters, or real time strategy either historical or not, and many others. I remember that I bought the Hitman Codename 47 game with another game, I think it came together with the second Tomb Raider another great PC title, and I had my doubts about this game at first because I never played a game like this one before, but as soon as I started playing I was totally into the game, and my doubts about the game disappeared, it was a rush seeing the main character waking up on an unknown place and be guided by a mysterious voice, that not only will give some physiological views of live and advices, but also will teach him how to deal with a large number of different weapons; but overall the first thing that shocked me about this game at first was the ability that the character has to change clothes...wow...I don't know to much about gaming history features, and also I haven't played enough games like other gamers, but this was totally new, and I loved it; another thing that I totally loved about this game was the dark mood or vibe of the game for a non-horror game; other features that fascinated me were the recreation of an agency keeping it as real as possible on how the agency contacted you providing info, pictures, videos of your next mission and target, and leaving how to manage the hit up to you making it more real and harder. On the other hand one of the things that I really was upset about this ambitious title was that there were no more ways or variations on how to end up your missions, or that sometimes using a lesser calibre gun like a handgun or a submachine gun, when you shot your opponents more than twice (a little bit more) to take them down, well except if you shoot them on their heads, maybe the designers leave that to emulate that sometimes opponents were using a Kevlar vest or something like it, but other times, you defeated your by shooting at them at their limbs, and seeing how they die after a few rounds, even thought that it sounds contradictory, I loved this one, sometime spend game time, laughing at how many rounds on the legs you could make them fall. Overall, the downfall of the game didn't make me change my mind about it and keep it playing over and over again...4/5...The HITMAN has spoken!