A murder mystery story

User Rating: 6 | Her Story PC

Her Story is a story driven game where you are trawling through an old police video archive to learn about Simon's murder. His wife (or is she really as she seems?) appears in all the videos which vary in length; around 5 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

You watch the videos and try to pick out key terms from the dialogue. You then type these in to the search bar to view more videos. The results are capped at 5 videos, so in this case, you will need to specify a more specific criteria.

From the video snippets, you learn about the woman's family and friends and her relationship with her sister. It's hard to go into more detail without giving away spoilers. After all, this “game” is just videos of a woman talking about her life.

Since you are viewing the clips in a random order, the information is harder to make sense of, especially since there is a few complex relationships and things aren't quite what you assume. Also, you only hear the woman's responses; you never hear the question she has been asked.

After viewing a certain amount of footage (or maybe it was time based), a chat client pops up asking if you have had enough. If you respond that you have finished, the game ends. At this point, you find out who you are, but the mystery of Simon's death may not be resolved.

Even if you view all the videos and think you have a decent grasp on the story, there are a few aspects of it which are up for debate. The ambiguity in stories like this can work both ways. Some people love debates which these stories create, whereas others want a firm conclusion. I think this aspect will sway whether you consider this to be a good experience or not.

Personally, I found this intriguing, but overall, I think I'm a bit on-the-fence. I would have preferred a clearer story, but found it much better than all the other story-driven experiences.