Like torture in video game form!

User Rating: 1.7 | Hellboy: Asylum Seeker PS
From start to finish, Hellboy: asylum seeker is basically a train wreck, the main difference being that train wrecks can be fun to watch. In Hellboy you play as the titular character Hellboy, and try to solve the mystery of your partner's disappearance. Doing so, however, may well cost you your sanity (and, no, I don't mean in the game.) The first thing you'll notice when you start playing Hellboy, is that it looks awful. From the backgrounds that look like they're fighting to stay together (seriously, they keep shifting and moving as if they can just barely manage to stay intact) to Hellboy's face (lack thereof, actually, he has no face) this is an awful looking game. From there, you'll discover that it plays no better than in looks. It controls just like Resident Evil, only slower, and clunkier after you press a few switches in rooms that look exactly alike and actually start fighting things, you'll finally begin to realize just how god-awful this game is. Not only does Hellboy attack slowly, but also he uses his NORMAL hand! What's the point of having a giant stone hand if you don't hit people with it? Actually, to be fair, if you keep mashing the attack button, he'll swing his right stone hand, but it isn't any stronger than his regular hand. Besides, the combat animation is awful. Hellboy looks like he's poking the enemy in the chest. But wait, it gets worse. Not only does he look like an idiot attacking, but also the enemies take a long time to kill. Not only that, but it actually takes longer to kill two zombies than it does to kill the first boss. What were they thinking? Mercifully, the game basically ends pretty soon after that, since there'll be a room where Hellboy needs to push a stone block to open a door, then run through before it closes. Seems reasonable, except there's no run button. Even if you do manage to make it through the door, all you'll likely find is more misery that doesn't do the comics the least bit of justice. And if you thought that sounds bad, just listen to how screwed up the save system is: every time you load a saved game it says you've completely finished the game, giving you a 100% completion rate! I guess the developers figured you'd never have the patience to finish, so they at least let you act as if you’ve finished the game
Over all, this is just an awful game. Fans of the comic may want to pick it up just to be a completeist, but under no circumstances should you actually attempt to play this horrible game. Fans of the comic would be better off getting the new Hellboy game for X-box 360, PSP, and PS3. Even if you had to buy a new system, it would be much more rewarding than buying this piece of junk.