Amazing War Simulator

User Rating: 9 | Hearts of Iron II PC
There aren't many games that play out in the grand scope of WWII. Simply put, this game is simply fun unless you're a jittery, mouth foaming shooter fan who needs to see action and things dying. Otherwise, this game is simply amazing. You can play almost any country (though admittedly the smaller countries have little to do, leaving you bored to tears), and act as you see fit. You can build up an army, research technologies by employing companies like Ford to develop your next tank, and join various alliances. Its a complex game that forces you to weigh your decisions carefully. It takes a while to learn how the combat engine works as well. Since you can't command the troops, but only order them to attack a province, you can only give them the greatest advantage possible. This means, you can arm your troops with the best generals, attack during the day, make sure they're well supplied, etc.

This game is certainly one of the best if you have the patience for these types of games. The graphics are sub par, and combat is mere sounds of gunfire but if you enjoy managing a country, and waging the entire WWII on an hourly clock, then this game is for you.