Hearts of Iron II... at least a GREAT title from Paradox

User Rating: 9.2 | Hearts of Iron II PC
HoI2 does what most other Paradox titles fail at- creating a truly 3 dimensional game you can relate to. From the economics to units to historical events, the game ranks solidly in all categories.

Good: Great RTS strategy game. Basic command of logistics is needed in the game. The new attack commands are not only helpful but play into the heart of combat.

Bad: No small-unit tactics will be a turn-off for those who love to micro. The AI still isn't advanced enough. Aircraft are almost pointless. Naval warfare doesn't accurately simulate the war. Any structural damage done to a country can be repaired relatively quickly, even if atomic bomb is used.

HoI2 still leaves a lot to be desired, and such things really limit what you can do. You find if you play a country multiple times you get almost exactly the same outcome, maybe the time table thrown off a week or two. But the game is a solid RTS, great overall strategy game, and the best so far from Paradox.