From my first looks of this game it seems pretty good

User Rating: 8.6 | Bokujou Monogatari: Colobocle Station DS
The game seems pretty odd and boring at first but when you start playing a while it gets funner. First of all ive only played HM on GAMEBOY COLOR other than this, so the story seemed pretty odd... why would the witch princess banish them to another world... and the crew of new characters. I spent to first 5 days(in the game) just exploring and talking to people and understand the gameplay. Then i started growing my crops.,, finally i realized that you can sell almost anything, - grass, plants, flowers, rocks throwing them into the box. So i started robbing almost anything i could find in gardens. Also i like the new casino feature. Now you can hire elves that do your chores for you, such as a team to water your plants or take care of the animals which seems to help. In this game you have to save 101 harvest sprites and the H. goddess. Its pretty important to find most of them because they help oyu in different ways. Altho awkwardly i found all the casino sprites before others. Now i must expand my farm and finally finish making all the buildings (i mostly go with wood because i am poor). The sound and the music could get quite dull and repetitive. THe lighting is nice when it gets darker or lighter according to the time. The game could get a bit repetitive but theyve added certain features too make it less boring. Altho i find it confusing that i must give a specific and different item to each girl if you want to get married and youll get competition too. The graphics arent all that impressive but decent. This game may be similar to "friends of mineral town" but i think youd enjoy it if ur a hm fan. The gameplay is very long and fun and you can play unlimited amount of years. If you think this game is too girly then dont waste your money!