The Sorcerer's Stone is the Deadly Towers of the GBA; it's difficult when started, and is worthless to even play.

User Rating: 5 | Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi GBA
The good: The game looks fun at first

The bad: Game gets boring later, lack of a save feature, very hard to play, graphics and music are bland, lack of quality in the tilt

We've seen tons of horribly bad videogames based on movies. This manages to fit in that category, because it gets completly worthless to play after a while. Getting past the first few levels isn't a cinch, and it is easily one of the most boring movie games released this decade.

Game-play: 5/10

The game-play is simple, in a difficult manner. You will have training lessons, and will have to do nonsense levels. It gets fun at first, but this will get incredibly frustrating and boring, because it's difficulty gets insanely hard at the first actual level.

Graphics: 6/10

Graphically, it's ok, but there's lots of improvement to do. In fact, the graphics are very tiny, so it's hard to know what kind of item you're picking up.

Sound: 6/10

The music isn't all that good, not only because of the quality of the GBA, but because Warner Bros. forgot to put the Orchestra music in here.

Camera and Control: 4/10

In tilt measures, there's nothing to be surprised at. The button schemes get old fast, and because they are so poor, you'll be screaming at your GBA. Of course, this won't help.

Value: 5/10

This game is simply one of the worst movie games on the GBA.

Average Score: 5.2/10

The Sorcerer's Stone is the Deadly Towers of the GBA; it's difficult when started, and is worthless to play. There seriously is no point in this stupid game, nor will it be for the console versions. I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but I've played this before. My advice to all you Harry Potter fans; stay away from this game no matter who you are.