Harry Potter could have been a great game, yet they failed to result in providing a game which was mediocre

User Rating: 6 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PC
The first Harry Potter game should have been a game that should set a landmark for the rest that were to come. They had a great IP to work with and the world has been very detailed in the books. So they had freedom of choice. Yet the game just lacked a lot.

You spend more than half the game learning spells and then doing mazes and more mazed using your new spells to get through them all. You fire spells by using mouse movement gestures. From curlies to moon shapes. There are a total of 5 spells to learn. But you don't even need to use the gestures. I've found that simply clicking the mouse actually will do the trick.

The game is super easy and was clearly aimed at a younger group. Though I myself did not expect that the HP series would become so popular and have so many grown people as fans. So I see why they did it.

The game came out relatively long ago, so I guess the graphics is appropriate for the time, though camera movement is annoying, following you even as you try to make gestures for spells, which causes you to loose where you are and so just decide that clicking is the best option.

I'm really hoping the next game is a little better than this one. I know it will still be rather old, but hope they might have learnt something from making this game. Let's see.