Overall good game

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince WII
First of all lets start with the good thing, one the game is easy and with simple spells it dosent take long to learn all of them.The story is almost the same as the movie but they added a bit which is always good when it comes to harry potter.But then if you havent read the book or the movie its very hard to understand the story of the game since they dont explain much of anything the words like halfblood prince just suddenly come up.The dulles are easy once you get the hang of it. All you really have to do is to cast that spell so that your opponent hangs from the air then its just to cast attack spells until he dies. It is really that easy.The voice acting is very good but the modells are very bad they look blurry and snape looks much uglier than usual.The game is short too i finished in just one day which is a big disappointment.