Harry Potter 6 follows the story of JK. Rowling's sixth book, and also adds some good elements to the story.

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince WII
Every body gives this game a bad review, perhaps because all the games made out of movies are bad, but Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a good game, on the Wii. Why? because every game on the Wii platform are different and you should try it first before giving it an abysmal score.
This game is GREAT for Harry Potter fans because you can walk all over the school and it's fantastic.
The quidditch flying is good, a new addition to the game, also.
The poition-making is fun,but it is boring after a while.
Some "missions" on the story are difficult and tricky to do. You have to read and hear very good in order to get what you have to do.
The graphics could be better. I know that the Wii is not a high-definition gaming system, but the graphics are a little tacky.
Try it, maybe it won't dissappoint you.