This is the game I grew up with.

User Rating: 10 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets isn't a perfect game, no doubt. But this is the game that got me started with gaming! When I was younger I loved exploring Hogwarts and finding all the secrets it has to offer. Undeniable charm and pure innocence make this game an instant hit with me.

The game-play itself is probably only fathomable for younger audiences, but the basic platforming and level design is actually pretty top notch. Theres enough spells to keep you going, but it does get annoying with him constantly saying the name of them every time. Theres also a variety of mini-games like dueling, and Quidditch, which i used to find incredibly fun.

The graphics were pretty bad even for it's time... The characters mouths didn't even move when they talked xD

The sound is what makes you love the game, lots of good music and charming stuff that really makes you love it.

All in all it's a great game for young kids and it's addicting to try to find all the secret rooms of Hogwarts :P