Can't, stop, playing… Halo 4 – the icon Master Chief returns to gaming!

User Rating: 10 | Halo 4 (Wireless Controller Bundle) X360
343 Industries breathes new life into the Halo universe without changing the things we love. Not just another installment, Halo 4 being the beginning of a new trilogy and new battle for humankind. Halo has evolved, been improved, and perfected – new additions being Spartan Ops missions for co-op, new enemies using different tactics that you will need to adapt to (especially on Legendary), new weapons/vehicles (of course), new customizations and more. The sound, graphics, storyline, presentation, score, etc. has gone through much improvement. It's still Halo, that's for sure. If you weren't into the previous titles, you probably won't be into this one either as that's how well 343 Industries did preserving what Bungie started. Some may find the game a bit difficult compared to other first-person shooters on the market as 343 Industries stayed true to Halo by only including a very slight auto-aim function. It's not revolutionary, but a masterpiece – yes!