Halo 3 the good, the bad and the ugly.

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo 3 X360
This is the third in the series and oh boy it's disspointing because
when you play it starts off with a good introduction, then you start
playing the game and it's just a total chaos for example Im shooting
my opponent called Brutes and takes a long time killing my opponent
I shoot 12 or maybe 20 bullets just to kill him how ridiculous is that!
and for a small opponent called Grunts it takes up to 1 or 3 bullets
to kill him not so bad compare too killing a big opponent.
The game is exhilarating and the driving is'nt bad either but how the game plays does not play smoothly. The biggest downside
to this game the Al systeam not very good. Halo 3 has good animation graphics but does not meet the Xbox 360 standards. This would only meet ps2 and xbox standard. Excellnt choice of music for the game. Oh and one more thing the story is bit week

Graphics - Good animation but does not meet Xbox 360 standards it only meets ps2 and xbox standards.

Gameplay - Entertaining at times but overal average. How long it lasts?- Once you have completed 10 missions not much you can do thats unless you go online to play. This also has extra's but nothing special.