Don't be fooled by it's cutesy looks-- it's extremely entertaaining. And cute.

User Rating: 8.3 | Gurumin PSP
At first look, Gurumin looks like a kiddie game. The main character is an adorable spunky redhead with diamond shaped ponytails armed with a large drill (she POSES when idle) and your enemies are just as abstract but no different than your friends from Monster Village. Is it a kiddie game? Not at all but there's a little bit of Legend of Zelda in there.

As Parin, you go through several dungeons on the world map to obtain important items (i.e. furniture for Monster Village, seriously) and battle baddies along the way. What looks like to be a standard button mashing battle system turns out to be a bit more creative, especially with the Drill. You can actually pull off combos and special moves against enemies. And it proves useful against notably armed enemies because when they are defeated, they drop "junk" for you to upgrade your accessories. The storyline is linear at first but at least you have the option to explore different areas rather than being forced to go to the next area. Gameplay is overall very addictive, it's almost hard for you to put it down -- unless your PSP battery dies out. I find myself backtracking to get more money for Parin's weapon and accessory upgrades (You honestly can NOT pass up the opportunity to change her outfit). The environment is a bit bland especially with the world map but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. The soundtrack is very catchy. The voice work features a cast of veteran voice actors, although I was disappointed that Steven Blum was hardly recognizeable.

This is a surprisingly good RPG for the PSP. Definitely worth