Awesome game but I don't think it's better than the other Guitar Heroes but it's O.K.

User Rating: 7 | Guitar Hero PS2
I kinda like this game though it ain't near as good as GH2 or 3 or Rock Band (in my opinion). It has a kinda good song list but not very great. I have all 4 of the games and i'm hoping to soon get Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and Guitar Hero Encore Rock the 80's. For those who don't have it, I would suggest renting it first and if you like it then buy it. GH1 does have cool characters and guitars also and has some fun songs to play. I have to make this review 100 words long and that's why i'm saying this. And now I have to have 800 characters whatever that is and I can't think of anything of anything to say so that's why i'm saying this too. O.K. now I thought of something to say. Guitar Hero 1 has fun multi player and is great for parties. I wish they would come out with a drum hero or something like that because I love drums. O.K. I hope that this is enough letters.