The original Guitar Hero, a unique groundbreaking innovation of a game!

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero PS2
The original Guitar Hero. After playing this game you can see why they have made and are still making so many sequels! For a review of the premise of the game and all its details, see my review of Guitar Hero II, which I played before the original. Guitar Hero is a very good game. It has a solid main set list consisting of 30 songs, which are greatly varied. There are 16 bonus songs to be unlocked as well which makes a total of 46 songs, about 18 songs less than Guitar Hero II I believe. Still, for a first effort it has more than enough songs, venues and characters to keep you entertained. The one major difference I found between this game and the second was that for each difficulty level in the game, with the exception of Easy of course, you have to unlock all of the bonus items (characters, guitars, guitar skins, etc.) per level. In Guitar Hero II, once you unlock a character or a guitar that's it, it's available to you on every difficulty level in the game. With the original you have to keep unlocking all the bonus items on each level as you progress through the game. The bad side of this is that it's a lot of unlocking to do! But the good side is that at least on Medium, maybe Hard, you are going to have unlocked every item the game has to offer you. On Guitar Hero II you have to be able to score full or close to full marks on every song in the game on all difficulty levels, in order to unlock all of the items. Good luck 4 and 5 starring most of the songs on Expert in Guitar Hero II, Aye Carumba! Anyways, if you are a fan of the Guitar Hero franchise, this of course is a must have. Guitar Hero II in my opinion is the best one so far, but the original is a close second.