GH game with the best songs.

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero PS2
Guitar hero is definatly one of the best series of video games, and this make the video game class of music good class. This guitar hero had easyly and definately the best song of all the guitar hero games. The story line was really fun, goofing around on a fake plastic guitar is really fun, even when your have beaten the game like a million times, and are really good at it(like my). This game did have the second easyest songs but what makes it pretty hard the that there is very little hammerons and pulloffs that your able to do without really screwing up, that is the only flaw. The charictors are really in there motions and graphics, and they all look really good. There could be more charitors but the charictors are really good. The extra songs are really good such as laughtrack and cavemen rejoice. They are also harder then a lot of the story songs but not as hard as cowboys from hell, in cowboys from hell, it is so freakin hard it will take you at least 7 times to beat it(thats how long it took me to beat it). The guitars in the game are really cool and they are really good guitars in real life(I would know). But the coolest guitar in the game is the Battle Axe. And finally there is extra bonas thing at the end if you get a five star on every song, I dont know what that is but im sher that its really cool and awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. They need to make a guitar hero Rush or Judas Preist, the best bands ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!