very addictive game series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero PS2
If you read my GH3 review, this is basically the same for all my GH games experiences.

the only difference with GH2 was that it seemed alot easier then GH1 and 3.

The track list for #2 is awesome, one of my favorite songs is Godzilla xD

I like this game a little better then GH3 due to no battles in between gigs, just encores.

I am just starting in on expert mode for Gh2, but there is one song that kills me all the time (Bark at the Moon), the beat screws me up all the time on hard mode xD due to the speed of the green notes.

The track list on this game is nice, there is alot more genres in this game then in GH1 or 3.

I still have yet to pick up the 80's game but thats next on my list of games to get.

so far GH has yet to disappoint me.

but due to some glitchyness and a slightly worse track list, thi gets a 8.5 out of 10 from me.