Guitar Hero World Tour's port is here! And I feel honoured to play the least supported game ever! Good jpb Aspyr!

User Rating: 7 | Guitar Hero World Tour PC
Well, guitar hero is a game I always want to play. But there is a problem: I don't have a console and I don't want to buy one for a game, no matter how I love it. Isn't it better to have a simple port released for PCs? Fortunatelly, Neversoft thought that PC users are also out there and asked Aspyr to port GH WT. Too bad Aspyr had other, more important tasks to do!!!! It was really difficult to even post a release date on their site or simply change their e-mails and don't answer" We don't know when it's coming, when the game is allready here!!!!''

Anyway, as a GH fan, I really enjoyed the game. The setlist is really good, the instruments funny to play,haven't tried the drums and mic on my PC though but at a shop) and the music creator can free our inner rockstar. But the poor frame rate, the surprisingly high requirements and the -basic only- video settings make this a nightmare for everyone, revealing how Aspyr port games!! There is not even AA or V-sync, what the?

Anyway, I still like the game but it really makes me think if they deserve their money! Hope they release a patch to expiate their self!!!