Guitar Hero II is so much fun, and also, one of the greatest music games ever.

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero II PS2
So many good songs
It's the best rhythm games I've ever played

Most songs are covers, and some aren't great covers
Even though it comes with a guitar controller, it's still very expensive

Guitar Hero II is the sequel to the original Guitar Hero, and it's one of the best sequels I've played in a long time. It's one of my favourite games from 2006.

The characters look cartoony, which is pretty cool. There's a lot of cool and strange characters you can play as.

The controller has five fret buttons, (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green and Orange), a whammy bar, strum bar and a start and select buttons. Guitar Hero has 4 levels of difficulty, and a training mode, where you can play sections of the song, or the whole song at a slower pace. In Easy, Only Blue, Red and Yellow are used. Medium is similar to Easy. In Hard, the Blue button is used, and then in Expert, the Orange button is used.

Guitar Hero II is hard to start playing if you've never played Guitar Hero before. It's great that there is a training mode, because it's pretty hard to just pick up and playing the right notes at the right time.

Guitar Hero's gameplay is very fast. I even have trouble playing it at the normal speed, I can't beleive how some people can play with the 1.5 % faster cheat on, and still get 100%! Those people are really good.

Anyways, in conclusion, Guitar Hero II is a great game that is hard to put down.