
User Rating: 4.5 | Guitar Hero: Aerosmith WII
It's weird.
Is like if you devoted our life getting good scores and unlocking **** in Guitar Hero 3, and you play this game, its all unlocked and has some new cool things an you think "Mother f***!".
It's still a good game but you start with awful songs.

I'll just say some pointless stuff too refill the 100 words minimum.

This game has stile but lacks of it. ........... That was dumb, I'm sorry!!!LoL!!!
How about a joke!!!
What does the Anarchist tells the Marxist who wants to get to the bathroom?
"You go from down to up"
If you understood that, you would still find it stupid and unfunny.

Not the game, this **** about the 800 characters minimum.

P.S.:If you think I am a deuce bag, is because I'm bored, but good for you, you don't have to read all this insipid review!!!