Great game! Though not quite worth 35 dollars, when it goes down its a definite buy!

User Rating: 9.2 | Guilty Gear Dust Strikers DS
I honestly don't see why people are complaining so much about this game. It is truly a very very fun game. At first, I was very angry because it could've been much more. The DS has four buttons, why not make it the same as the PS2 controls? But, once you overlook that and get used to them, the controls for this game are good too. Though the story doesn't have much substance, neither do most of the Guilty Gear games. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure this game would be LOADS of fun if you link up with three of your friends. The only downside is that there aren't very many songs. The songs that are in it are quite good, but there just isn't the great variety that we've come to love from Guilty Gear. The graphics are sprites, you can't really go wrong with sprites, and these are especially good.