A game that will make you want more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Guild Wars 2 PC
Have you ever played a game in which you didn't understand it's history? Guild Wars 2 will probably be one of those, you will come across areas and creature's in the game that will make you want to know things like, what happened here? who is this? Only a few number of games have a rich history and amazing stories to share, and Guild Wars is definitely one of them.
However you might not get the time to actually catch up on all of that, you'll probably be busy with the game itself, Guild Wars 2 was able to take it's predecessor to a whole new level, the first thing you will notice is the amazing environment, the graphics make Guild Wars 2 one of the best looking games I have ever seen.
The combat system is amazing and simple, each weapon has it's own set of movies which makes you in a hurry to try all sorts of weapons your character is able to use. The tutorial is system is almost non-existent so you will have to teach your self almost everything, but who actually goes through tutorials :) we mostly skip them.
There is so much to say about this game, but it will take forever to explain its good points, what I am trying to say is, that this game is one that you can not afford to miss.