Attempt to grow

User Rating: 6 | GreedFall PS4

I understand why the changes have been made... The storytelling is great, characters are not just archetypes, but each with their story a the behavior changes depending if you do their personal quests or not. The main story line is something i really enjoyed, skill tress are great. So... why only 6? Some skills are not that needed, fights could do with a bit of polishing. One particular character quest seemed like it had couple of lines cut off and in the late stages of the game I basically only ported from one map to another, had a chat and ported somewhere else. Oh... and I understand that in order to get to US shops the game had to be toned down and become unisex, but it made it less believable. I have no problem with female cardinal or shaman, but so many military commanders in armor and claymores... (I know a couple of chicks that like fencing and are good at it, but they are mostly exceptions, here couldnt they at least think who will do what? it broke the illusion of living, breathing world)