A short but great RPG

User Rating: 7 | Grandia III PS2

Grandia III is a story that starts off with a bang so to speak. Let me begin with stating that LINEAR GAMES ARE NOT BAD. Games that are 30-40 hours aren’t bad either. Once the game begins it doesn’t let go until the ending credits. The story is not original by any stretch of the imagination, but it does make for some good entertainment. Granted the $49.99 price tag may turn off some gamers, but it is a worthy investment.


Yuki is a young man with the hopes of becoming a pilot. Alfina is a young Communicator who has the ability to talk to the GODS. Ulf is a semi-human Dragon rider who becomes friends with Yuki and Alfina. Dahana is the leader of the settlement of Baccula. You do meet a few other characters but they play minor roles throughout the game.

Battle system

Well if you have played any of the previous Grandia games then you know that they have a cool little battle system set up. The controls move easily and there isn’t any sort of clunky interface at all which even makes the battle system even more fun to play. You learn several special moves, and you can also learn combo’s which are very handy in battles. The Mana Egg system is back as well so that you learn spells. You can also combine Mana Eggs to make more powerful spells which you will need later on in the game.


This game has a lot to offer. Granted it isn’t a game that will take you between 80-100 hours like some other ones out there, but it is such a sweet looking and playing game it shouldn’t be passed up. The game is fast paced and doesn’t let up until the ending credits, but isn’t that what we want from a really good RPG?? I will admit that the price tag of $49.99 might turn a few people off, but once you start the game it makes want to find out what happens next.