grandia3 may not have a great story but its battle system is maybe the best.

User Rating: 7.1 | Grandia III PS2
most rpgs these day are suppose to have a supreme story and chracters that you love and will think about till the end like cloud from FF7 or crono FROM crono trigger. I always thought the most important thing to a rpg was the story but then I played grandia3 and relized hey story aint evrything but it is defintly the most important part.the story anyways is about a young boy who wants to be a pilot and thats all I will tell because some people like to be suprized. the gameplay is well the battles and the battles but once you start doing like 2 of the battles youll relize thats about all you need the battle is probally the best battle system ever I mean evr it is the most dominate battle system to date. you of course have you sword weilder you magic user and summoner and kung fu dude. when you get to strike the opponint is determind on a little circle up on the upper left of the screen when one of the cricle heads reach a certian point that means they can attack. like FF7 you can preatty much who you want to be you magic user or so on and so on bye setting skills skills come in all shapes and sizes that help you attack raise your defense or burn somebody. the downside of the gameplay is that there is not much to offer except the battles and gambling. the sound is top notch these voice over are very high quality wich defintly brings out the little greatness thats in the story. the grapics are very very great the lush enviorments that you walk through is a very special treat. even though it has that special grass that you can walk on and still not get crushed. bottom line its worth a 3 day rental thats it its a shame though the story couldentve been better.