grandia 3 has finally brought back whats good in the series after grandia Xtreme and the Ps2 Grandia 2 port.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grandia III PS2
this game has brought me back to the series and has shown me that when square enix wants to they can breath life into a seies that was thought to be dead. grandia 1 and grandia 2 for the dreamcast were amazing games. but the recent ps2 efforts were not very good. grandia 3 does face some problems story wise(it gets worse in the second disk), but players should not play the game for the story, but rather for the battles. they have now added a new way to equipt skills and magic along with a brand new system which allows arial attacks. the graphics are probably the crispist on the playstation 2 (sorry final fantasy). so where the story drops the game play makes up for it.