The god of all games....

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto V X360
A dazzling but monstrous parody of modern life.
It pushes the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 further than it has any right to, and it looks incredible. The biggest jump in quality since Grand Theft Auto IV is the character animation, but the world is also much more expansive, detailed, and populous. The price we pay for that is occasional framerate dips and texture pop-in, which I found became more prominent the longer I played, but never significantly detracted from my experience. For such a gigantic and flexible world it's also remarkably bug-free – I encountered just three minor issues in the 35 hours I spent on my first playthrough, none of which caused me to fail a mission.
If you're a fan of of the series or the action genre in general, you should buy "GTA V." The game's simplified checkpoint system makes it far more accessible for casual players while the improvements to driving and combat will satisfy hardcore-action gamers.