Simply Superb Gaming Experience

User Rating: 9.6 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
I'm not going to waste time describing the gameplay elements and such, because Gamespot has 4 well written pages detailing every aspect of this game. What I will say instead, as someone who has LOVED GTA III, enjoyed (but secretly was dissapointed by) GTA: Vice City, and is now madly in love with GTA:SA, that this is a game that is essentially a next gen game on a current console. This comes with a cost: The graphics are not cutting edge in terms of pure quality. There is a lot of aliasing, and the like. However, on the other hand, the first time you drive up to the Vinewood sign and look back at Los Santos, your breath will catch in your throat. When you realize that it isn't just some "painted backdrop"; that you OWN some of those buildings and can drive all the streets... you'll really get into it. Then, after many hours of playing, you realize you've explored maybe 1/5 of the map... well weeping openly is acceptable at that point. Play this game. If you enjoyed GTA 3 and VC you'll think you died and went to heaven playing this one. The voice acting.. oh god, it's perfect. Even in some of these reviews that whine about it being "the same old same old" (bs by the way, unless you simply hate the fundamental gameplay, in which case, why are you playing this?) or cry about it being hard (it presents it's challenges, but then, so did Ninja Gaiden) they will admit that the voice acting is flawless. Finally, I just HAVE to address the weirdest thing I've read in a review here. Someone actually complained about the SWEARING in this game. Right... blowing up busses and crashing planes and executing people is kosher, but don't CURSE while you do it! My point is, when you read these reviews, mine included, remember the bias, and if you have doubts about GTA:SA... rent it, you will NOT regret it.