Liberty City features the 2 DLCs availible for GTA 4 but it isnt worth picking up.

User Rating: 7.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City X360
Audio: 8/10
As I said in my previous reviews of the DLC, Some of the audio is recycled but it still features good voice acting and music that make up for it.

Visuals: 7/10
They are great visuals but they are the same visuals we have seen since GTA 4 and they quickly lose the impression that they may have on you.

Playability: 7.5/10
Lost & Damned features a lame racing mini game that isnt worth playing while TBOGT features 2 new mini games worth playing. Same combat style that we have seen since GTA 4 features nothing new.

Delivery: 7.5/10
Lost & Damned fails to live up to the hype while TBOGT gives GTA 4 a run for its money. The story is a lot better in TBOGT and so is the voice acting. However this disc cost 40 dollars, The same amount of money it costs for the 2 DLC combined and that isnt worth it. You are better off buying two 1600 MS points cards and buying them off xbox live.

Achievements: 7.5/10
Lost & Damned achievements are straight forward and grinding while TBOGT are more unique and fun to get.

Overall: 7.5/10
If the price was lower I could possibly give it a higher score but with 1 DLC (Lost & Damned) being disapointing and the other (TBOGT) being great, Its brings down the overall value of Liberty City.