Sorry everybody, this game might be great for alot of you guys... but not for me.

User Rating: 6.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City X360
Let me start with the good -

Exploring Liberty City is great, fun, and huge! Tons of different vehicles to drive. Lots of veriety.. like playing golf, Going to dance clubs, playing darts, and much more. The characters facial expressions are also great. Voice acting is great!

Now with the bad -

The game looks very old, yes I have to give Rockstar credit for putting all this stuff onscreen at one time, but the visuals do not cut it, some of the the character models look good, but not great. Also, what's up with all the swearing? There is no cutscene in the game that doesn't say f*ck; sometimes driving around with a character is annoying due to all the language. Even pedestrians swear at you, I had a granny swear at me.. what the heck! The games controlls aren't that responsive and the auto aim gets annoying, you have to hold down the LEFT TRIGGER half way to free aim, thats not a smart move.

All in all. GTA4: LC is not great in my opinion, but alot of people like it. Just saying that this game is not for me.

Graphics - 6.5
Gameplay - 5.0
Presentation - 7
Story and Characters - 8.5
Controls - 5.0

Total Score - 6.4