User Rating: 9.2 | Gran Turismo 3 A-spec (Platinum) PS2
Probally all the Gran turismo's from the ps1 era rolled into one. So much the same then ?. Yes but a bit more re-defined as you would expect on the ps2. The graphics are fantastic and when compared to the original, which you can with the same track and car etc, you can really notice the step in graphical quality. The amount of cars is less of the original as each car took a week to model on the ps2. The graphics are sharp, crisp, detailed and highly accurate. The gameplai is toned down from its original and less scatty leaving you with an even more realistic driving simulation. The handling is even more accurate with noticable enhancements to the upgrading of your cars. The game has its faults such as the endurance races being ever so boring with 99 laps (1-2 hours) just going round the same loop track etc. The game is a massive one as befor and has great value. It takes a while befor you get the fast cars too. The licence tests also return much the same as befor, but an easy learning curve for new comers.