The best of its time and a role model for every FPS since then.

User Rating: 9.6 | GoldenEye 007 N64
Some had given up on first person shooters but this game changed the format for the better,and changed every FPS after it.Rare had some titles on the N64 like Star Fox but they tried something a little diferent,Goldeneye 007 was the perfect example of what a good FPS should be,being the first good FPS.It had a box full of cheats,and a handfull of good memerable levels.The multiplayer was emersive with a large selection of weaponry while the story mode was spectacular.Rare liked the possitive feedback so they tried succesfully to imitate it with Perfect Dark,the first of a long line of FPS's trying to reinact the magic that Goldeneye received,with franchises like Timesplitters and Medal Of Honor, enjoying the FPS gender is easier than ever.Thanks Rare for having a good idea and making it an extraordinary game that I enjoyed a lot.