i actually paid for this .. :(

User Rating: 2 | GoldenEye 007: Reloaded X360
Goldeneye is unmistakably the grand godfather of all first person multiplayer shooters. It was THE game for so long that it earned a place in most gamers hearts. So - when it was re-released with all new graphic and stuff I just had to pick it up. Well - nothing was done to the game at all for ther re-release .. maybe they upgraded some textures .. but on the 360 the game moved slow , played poorly , and was just frustrating. I'm not exactly sure why they would re-release a game and not try to update the game mechanics at all - but hey - they did sucker me into buying this and that's probably all that matters. don't bother with this one unless you just want to see the name ' Goldeneye ' up on the shelf again. The original played better and looked better on the old system . The more I think about it the more this release confuses me .. why even bother?