Golden Nugget Casino is seriously lacking in game modes.

User Rating: 3.5 | Golden Nugget Casino DS DS
I usually like playing simulations of casino games, but Golden Nugget Casino is seriously lacking in game modes, and it has no multiplayer either. I know that IGN have it a 5.0 out of 10, and that score seems very reasonable for this kind of game. It's not a terrible game and there's nothing broken about it. It's just that it gets boring way too quickly. Since it has no multiplayer modes, you have to play against a computer opponent in black jack, craps, and poker. Really? Why can't they at least fit it a two player mode with single player download play? The developers were just too lazy to make an awesome casino game.

The only games that are available in Golden Nugget Casino are Slot Machines, Craps, Video Poker, and Roulette. Although there are different sets of slot machines with a diversity of color schemes, they all play exactly the same. In Roulette, you have a limited amount of bets on numbers to choose from before you spin the wheel. All of these games bet boring way too quickly because there is no competition in beating your friends. Also, every time you restart this game, you have $2000.00 again. Therefore, you can't even save your high scores. This is pathetic because there are also no tutorial modes or even options to change your settings. All you do is just pick up and play casino games.

The graphics and sounds are nothing special either. The music is very relaxing and generic. It's basically forgettable casino themed music, and it's not even very loud either. The graphics are passable, but there really isn't much detail. It's just your average looking DS game.

Overall, if you want to play casino games with your friends, then skip Golden Nugget Casino DS. The lack of game play options and modes prevent this game from getting a decent score.

the good - simulates casino games accurately, a good way to play casino games on the go

the bad - graphics and sounds are too basic, no multiplayer and online modes, can't save your game, and no extra modes like options and tutorial

Presentation - 1 It's playing casino games on the go, but there is no multiplayer, online, tutorial, and options modes.

Graphics - 5 They are very basic and generic.

Sound - 4 Again, the sounds are nothing special, and the music is too soft and forgettable.

Gameplay - 5 The controls are responsive, but the games get old pretty quickly with no competition.

Lasting appeal - 2 There is not enough modes and variety in the games to make it a satisfying casino game.

Overall 3.4 out of 10. Game spot Score 3.5 out of 10