A game that reneges on promises, both on the box and the company's website, has critical flaws as an added bonus.

User Rating: 3.7 | Golden Nugget Casino DS DS
You can count on at least one or two simple casino games to come out for every console or handheld. What you can't count on is that they'll be as poorly implemented and outright broken as this pitiful title from Majesco is.
Golden Nugget Casino provides a fair amount of casino action, with favorites like blackjack and roulette making appearances. While there's no story, what you do get is easy access to a quick gambling fix when you don't have time to hit the local casino.
The best, and possibly only good thing about this game is the sound. It does sound reasonably like a casino atmosphere, only slightly less loud than for real, which is a good thing. The stylus also works far better than a joypad/stick for placing the myriad of possible roulette and craps bets.
The game's box touts PaiGow poker and video blackjack, while Majesco's website, as of 12/19/05, promises 8 types of slots, multi-hand video poker, and bonus 4-of-a-kind video poker. Curiously, none of those things are actually present in the game. What you do get is only 6 slot machines and videopoker that is worthlessly broken, in the form of 4 consecutive plays being dealt from a single deck, instead of each hand being dealt as if "fresh" from a newly shuffled deck. Realizing that because you had two queens last time, the two queens you just got dealt to start with can't be improved to 3 or 4-of-a-kind because the game's "used up the queens" is a sad feeling. The roulette simulation suffers a devastating quirk as well. If you select "repeat bet" and then edit your bet before continuing, continually using the repeat feature after will base your bets on the original repeated bet, while the graphics still show what you edited them to. Numerous errors in the manual, such as the odds for the Big 6 Wheel, just add to the realization that this game was haphazardly rushed out by people who were either lazy, had no clue how casino games operate, or both.
Gameplay has it's moments where the stylus really is a great tool, but with so much broken, that's not much to crow about. The graphics are fair, and the sound actually hitting what I'd call "good." Even at a fairly cheap price most places, with so much wrong, there's really no value here. Shame on Majesco for releasing this on an unsuspecting public. This is a truly terrible simulation of games that should be very easy to simulate.