God Of War II Is A Gruesome and Brutal Blood Filled Adventure Real Score: 8.8

User Rating: 8.5 | God of War II PS2
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 9
Sound: 10
Value: 8
Tilt: 9

God Of War II is an incredible game all around. With an incredible epic story where Zeus betrays the God of War himself, Kratos. Kratos being the blood-thirsty killer he is, decided to take matters into his own hands by finding and facing Zeus. And so, you will go on a quest for revenge that takes you through many challenging puzzles and levels. You will also experience many mind-blowing boss fights. Throughout G.O.W II, you will receive more and more weapons, combat moves, spells, and magic. There are many beastly moves that Kratos can perform, such as, snapping there necks to stabbing your enemies with your two blades and then ripping there arms off. Moreover, the visuals are one of the best for the PS2 and the audio is remarkable. Overall, God Of War II is a must play for any PS2 owner as it is one of greatest hits for the platform and one the best games out now.