One of the BEST games I ever played! Way better than the first God of War game!! It's harder and more chal

User Rating: 10 | God of War: Ghost of Sparta PSP
One of the Best games ever!!!!
One day, I was on the computer like always....suddenly my big brother came by.
He had a bag with him, close your eyes little brother. So I did.
The bag had this strange light, it was shiny as hell!
It was GOD OF WAR 2! OMG >:DDD
(The game came out in Wednesday 3rd November 2010)

Anyways I played the game straight away, and I finished in one day and then finished again today, and now I'm playing it in GOD MODE
The music, how the landscape of the game has gone better and more breath-taking! :O
I could say that the is a (maybe) 5 or 6 hour game, of course if it's in GOD MODE then it would take more like (i'm guessing) 7 or 9 hours!
If you didn't play the God of War series you shouldn't even read this, but I would recommend you play God of War Zero (as in God Of War: Chains of Olympus) then GOW 1 then GOW 2(1): Ghost Of Sparta, then God of War 2, then God of War 3. To understand the story and how Kratos began his quest and the life or pride of the Spartans. And he's got a new sword design!!!
(SPOILERS, you IDIOT are you still looking at this)
Kratos begins having bad nightmares, so he begins his adventure to seek truth.
He begins in Atlantis. (I'll make it short) He kills the boss, sees his mom, she's turns to a monster, kill her, she's says that Krato's brother is alive, :O WHAAA HE'S GOT A BROTHER!
Then he got his truth that his brother is alive, and goes out destroys the world by killing mermen and other annoying monsters! He finds his brother, but his brother was waiting for him for a LONG TIME!
So of course he hated him for that, cause Kratos promised to help Deimos his little brother.
So well you get the story!
Gameplay 10/10
Music/Art 10/10
Performance 9/10
Rating 10/10
Thank You for reading this, because this is the first time!
From Youtube/GOW ost