Well...The Ghost of Sparta is back on your PSP,but this time Kratos surpasses everything you played on PSP believe me...

User Rating: 10 | God of War: Ghost of Sparta PSP
God of War : Ghost of Sparta, the classic best game ever made in 2010 for your PSP,you really need this game,you just got to buy it if you want a classic in your shelves,because it's a remarkable game,and never,and that's true,never could have a score like 8,i know is a good score but even so,it deserves way much, because this game marks another step in gaming,and there is once again,originality,revolutinary,garphics style, gameplay,weapons,everything is simply amazing and perfect,i can't say less,and also the story,one of the big hits on my head,wow,the story is the best ever,since i played the first God of War,i gotta say that this one has the best story,so for me it is the best God of War as you can see,and you probably will see it when you play the game!This game is on my top 10 for PSP games,and i got to tell you there are a lot of games on my top!But this one...And also the soundtrack,they made one of the best too...Well,if you are already a fan,you probably know all of this and probably already have aquired this game,so let's just go play it till your eyes drop and never forget...This is one of the best games ever created...So enjoy it well