...do I have to say it again?

User Rating: 7 | God of War: Ghost of Sparta PS3


  • If you love "God of War," all the brutal combat and action is still here.
  • Still pretty amazing how they were able to stuff a game like this on a PSP.
  • Controls feel just as smooth as ever.
  • Writing feels very well-crafted, especially as a project from the "B-Team," so to speak.
  • Even with its dark and personal moments, it still has some over-the-top charm (like in that sex scene...wow, this game is horny).
  • Visuals are great for a PSP game, and still look strong when moved over to a console.
  • Soundtrack is epic stuff as always.


  • …do I have to say it? It's the same game again.
  • The few times it "changes" the gameplay are for slow, generic walking sequences.
  • Even the action-packed set pieces feel weaker in comparison to other titles in the series.

Consensus: Okay, "God of War," I'm starting to get tired here. These games are eternally lucky they have a solid gameplay loop because four straight titles that play almost the exact same way can feel very draining. "God of War: Ghost of Sparta" is another such example of this; in its own right, this is a very solid game that, like its predecessor "God of War: Chains of Olympus," is a crowning achievement for a system like the PSP. But you know what else it has in common with "Chains of Olympus?" Well...pretty much everything else. I understand that not every game HAS to innovate, but for a non-yearly franchise, "God of War" definitely feels like it had some slight "copy-and-paste" to it at points. Four games in, and I'm enjoying myself, but I'm still waiting to be "wowed." Hopefully, "God of War III" does it next time out.

Final rating: 7 out of 10 "Good"