If there's one game you should get for the PSP, it's God of War: Chains of Olympus.

User Rating: 8.5 | God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
I've never played a God of War game before this one because I've never owned a PlayStation. That being said after playing Chains of Olympus, I've felt like kicking myself for not owning a PS2 to play the other two games to this near perfect game franichse!

Story: Takes place several years after Kratos pledges his soul to the God of War, Ares and killing his family by mistake. The game starts at the battle of Attca where the Persian Army tries (and fails) to take over Attca. Even with a Basilks. After Attca is saved by Kratos single handly, the Sun falls to the Earth put everything into darkness. Kratos realizes that the Greek Gods (or Olympians) did not do this, runs where the Sun has fallen to find the Morpheus (not from The Matrix) the god of dreams is starting to take over! Kratos battles Morpheus minions until he gets to The Temple of Heilos, where Athena tells Kratos that Heilos the god of the sun has been kidnapped by Atlus. A titan that was thought to be chained up in Tartus, and thats all I'm going to tell you about the story. It's excellent and fits with the God of War saga nicely.

Presentation: This the best looking PSP game for a reason! Ready at Dawn really knows how to use the power of the PSP better than any other developer! The audio, graphics, and game engine are all perfect with this dark and violent take on Greek mythology!

Gameplay: The controls take some getting use to, but after an hour you'll be king of the battle field! Dodge is probably the most difficult move to master without a second analog numb, because it's to hard for Sony to realize that the needed a second one from day 1! People complain about not having enough puzzles and boss battles. Boss battles I understand, puzzles are few a far between which is good in my opinion! After seeing the puzzles in God of War 2 on Youtube, they would've drove me crazy! The Quick Time Events (QTE) are not as difficult as people say they are, doing rotations with the analog numb are very easy IMO! The enemies don't have alot of variety, but there still fun to take down! To upgraded weapons and magic you'll have to look for chests that glow red, for health chests that glow green, magic glow blue. Chests that don't glow have either Gorgon Eyes for increasing health, Phoenix Feathers for magic, and a ton of red orbs if you've collected all the Eyes and Feathers. It took me 5 hours and 45 mins to finish the game on easy and normal difficulty.

Weapons: Blades of Chaos- the default weapon and the best weapon overall with great long and up close combos. Takes alot of blood orbs to level up (with 5 levels) but it will be worth it.
Gauntlet of Zeus- great for up close and heavy attacks. Also good for destroying statues and anything else highlighted in blue!
Sun Shield- has simliartys to the Golden Fleece with reflecting energy blast from enemies. It can also be helpful in solving puzzles as well.

Negatives: The Challenge of Hades #2- kill all enemies without getting hit once! Thats right not 10, not 5, ONCE?!?!?!? Whoever thought that this was a great idea, needs to be hunted down by Kratos himself!!!!

Overall: The Perfect PSP game (for my age group 17 years and up) I hope Ready at Dawn does another God of War game like Betrayel sometime in the near future and fix the problems that Chains of Olypmus!

Story- 7 (some plot holes within the story and feels more like a sidequest than any connection to the GOW series)

Presentation-8 (more games on the PSP should look as great as this game after saying that they can be a little better)

Gameplay- 8 (besides the Challenge of Hades #2 and some slow reaction time when blocking everything else is great)

Weapons- 8 (need more weapons and more varitey)