It's good.

User Rating: 8 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
Here it is - my first Playstation 2 game. Technically my first was Okami, but I played it on emulator. Also I tried GTA SA, Shadow of the Colossus and Naval Ops 2, but GoW is the first I really got into and intend to finish.

At first it was hard to get over the dated graphics, since I'm a pc elitist (or have been one till I played Okami this year anyway). I mean, this game was released in 2005, but it has graphics of 1998, plus the low resolution. If you compare it to pc games that were released even before 2005 (Max Payne 2, Far Cry, Half-Life 2 etc.), GoW is like the ugly dwarf that's standing in the corner and crying. But, I was all ready for that.

I wasn't sure this hack n slash gameplay would appeal to me that much but it's fun and the puzzles are nice too. It gets challenging and I have to say that I have to learn playing these console games, it's not eazy.