Good idea, but not great. Fun for a while, though.

User Rating: 6.5 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game X360
I'll start with the pros first. The voices are from the original films, so that's excellent. The story lines/missions are taken from the films as well (for the most part) so that is also fun. Visually I enjoyed the game play and graphics. I thought it was a good idea to display health and weapon information on the player's pack, reminiscent of Dead Space.

However, after playing for only a few hours I noticed several lapses in the game play - times when nothing is happening and I'm not sure what to do. Sometimes it is just a clumsy conversation that you have to wait for others to finish before you can move on. I just couldn't get caught up in the story and am glad I only rented it. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance, only having played for about 5 hours.

I think it was a good idea and would be fun to play every once in a while, so maybe I'll pick it up in the bargain bin in the future.