This brief light gun shooter offers appeal for single and multiplayer stints, but isn't enough to completely satisfy.

User Rating: 7 | Ghost Squad WII
Ghost Squad - an arcade game made for Wii. When you think of that, you think "oh it must be crap!" or "how can a brief arcade shooter be made as a $50 game?"

1) Ghost Squad is only $30
2) It's nowhere near crap

Ghost Squad emerges from the crowd of shooters with its bland, ugly visuals with some fun gameplay. Ghost Squad's unappealing menus and ugly graphics are made up for by the games $29.99 price.


Ghost Squad is an ugly game - period. The only exceptions are the bikini-clad goons in Paradise Mode. :)

GRAPHICS: 5.5/10

Ghost Squad offers some okay music, and bad voice acting. But it's hilariously bad, so I'll cut this category some slack.

SOUND: 7/10

Ghost Squad's bigest highlight is it's fun gameplay. Even though it's an unintuitive and very unoriginal game, you can't doubt that it's fun. Ghost Squad offers both single- and multi-player modes. Playing with a few buddies can be highly addicting, but it's menacingly short.


Ghost Squad is not a long game. It's no where near the length of Metroid Prime, or Mario Galaxy, or Red Steel. And you have to admit - Red Steel was a pretty short game. But it makes up for it with its replayability and different branching paths to pick in-game. It's modes (especially Paradise and Ninja) offer very fun games. But as said before, the game is too short for it's own good. Online ranking is a waste.


Ghost Squad is a difficult game to rank. It is very fun, but also very short. If I could, I'd reward it a 6.8 out of 10 here. I'll just round it up to 7. Beware, though, the game is short but still offers great fun with its extra modes.

OVERALL: 6.8/10