A wild non-stop shooter with a unique style of its own that will keep you coming back for more.

User Rating: 7 | Geometry Wars: Galaxies WII
Growing up I was never a big fan of the shooting genre. Whether it was the top down shooters like Galaga and Space Invaders or the side scrolling shooters like Galaxian or R-Type. I could only play them for short durations. This was partly attributed to the fact that I was terrible at these games as a kid.

Just glancing at Geometry Wars: Galaxies you could easily pass it off as simply an updated version of Asteroids. On the surface the gameplay is similar due to the perspective. A top down shooter where you move your star craft around in space blasting the surrounding enemies. Pretty simple right?

Once you actually start playing the game you quickly realize there is much more to it than that. Your ship can be moved independently of the direction you are shooting. Your ship is also aided by a drone by your side. It can be programmed to do many different tasks. Some involve offense like Attack mode and Turret mode. Others offer defense by circling your ship to help take damage for you. It can even be programmed to retrieve the geo bits that are left behind as you destroy your enemies. These geo bits serve as the games currency to unlock new levels. The more you use your helper drone in a specific mode the more experience it will get at that task and therefore more efficient.

There are a variety of level designs in the game that offer many different forms of gameplay. Some revolve around a swirling black hole in the middle that you must avoid. Others place moving obstacles between you ad the enemies that you must constantly navigate. As you progress through the game the difficulty ramps up by adding more enemies on the screen and newer, tougher enemies. Each with its own attack pattern that must be learned and navigated. The gameplay is fast and furious and nonstop. You play until you run out of lives. Your ultimate goal is to get the best high score possible on each level. A benchmark of scores is set in place for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals. This will award you bonus points and help you gain experience faster.

Even when the levels increase in difficulty and become frustrating you still find yourself continuing on. Trying to better your high score. The gameplay is instantly addictive and you will find yourself playing it for hours in one setting. I have never played a shooter for so long in my life. Its that good. I should note if you own a DS with the same game you can link the two together to play the original arcade version. I don't have the DS game so I can't say anything about this.

If you love shooters and quite possibly even if you don't just give this a try and see how quickly it sticks to you.