Seriously entertaining!

User Rating: 8 | Geometry Wars: Galaxies DS
Remember Tetris? Well maybe Geometry Wars: Galaxies still can't be same-leveld with that legend, but it IS addictive. Really.
You can control the fires of your "Gunship" with either stylus or the ABXY buttons. You will try to survive against attacks of endless unidentifed geometrical galactic objects as long as you can to earn the maximum score. You are on your own, your companion is only a sometimes-dumb-level-upable-selectable-behavior drone. You are armed with an unlimited ammo gun and sometimes three Mega-Galactic Bombs (I named it myself). Everytime you devastated an enemy, it will flush a yellow crystal-like object, which turns out to be Geoms, the game's currency. When you earn medals, you'll also earn extra Geoms for your effort. Geoms can be used for multiple purposes, from buying new drone behaviors to unlocking new planets and/or systems.
The entire galaxy consists of several systems, one of which is already unlocked and the rest must be unlocked via Geom spending. The last system can only be unlocked by connecting to the Wii version of the game.
The graphics are initially good for a DS game, it's basically colorful and dazzling, firing effects and bomb explosions are also animated well. Since it's a DS game, such graphical effects, in my opinion, is already a decent one.
The sound, well, the musics are not bad, and the sound of blasts and fires are not too bad too, but it's not decent either.
Geometry Wars: Galaxies is essentially a bit hard to describe, a decent game, it's worth playing and it's addictive! Once you get your hands on it you'll be curious to end it up to the final planet!
gameplay: 8 graphics: 8 sound: 7