Its a no-brainer

User Rating: 8 | Geometry Wars: Galaxies WII
Geometry Wars : Galaxies is just a No - Brainer , its a fun game , youll start playing it and if no one talks to you youll play for hours before looking at a clock and going '' Damn ! ive been playing for 4 hours ( Real Fact ! ) and you cant go bad whit such a full game for 30 bucks , ok ! I didint want to buy it at first becauze i tough it was expensive but it all goes into it when you start playing that fun little game !

Youl never get bored , there isint any ''real'' myultiplayer but you can still have some fun whit it .. its didint make as mutch hype as QHIII ( guitar hero 3 ) and it sure aint got the graphics of SMG ( Super Mario Galaxy ) But it is , less pricy and super fun ! ( You should all still go and get SMG anf GHIII cuz there super but you get the point )

So as i said before , If you have a wii , 30 bucks and some brains , youll go and get Geometry Wars : Galaxy !

You cant go bad whit Geometry !