If you're like me and like wicked new ideas and some fast-paced action, this is the game for you.

User Rating: 9 | Geometry Wars: Galaxies DS
I just got this game and it's amazing, I got it this morning and I'm still playing it.

In this game you control your ship with the d-pad and shoot with the buttons (think robotron) or stylus. You just shoot stuff up. It may sound dull, but it's actually really fun.

This is not like most games where you go through the stage from point A to point B or where you have a time limit. You just shoot and gain geoms, wich are the game's currency and you also get a score, depending on your score you can gain bronze, silver or gold medals, and you unlock new stages with your precious geoms.

If you see screenshots or gameplay videos you may notice a small silver square at your side. That's my favourite feature. Before entering a stage you can select the way your little companion's behavior, like setting him to attack enemies, defend you, collecting geoms, etc. The little dude also gains experience depending on how you play and the more you use a behavior the more powerfull it gets.

Different enemies behave in a different manner, some will just swarm at you, others may run (fly/ float/ whatever) away from you or your bullets, and some others will follow you like heat-seeking missiles. There's plenty of variety.

On the graphics. The graphics are really good, lots of particles and stuff blowing up, so colorfull. This colorfull-ness also help you identify the different objects, to help you expect what will happen since (almost) every enemy type has a different color. The only downside is that the frame-rate falls behind when there's alot of objects on-screen, but it's not as bad to the extent that you can still handle the situation perfectly.

On conclusion: Get this game if you have a DS or Wii.